ProcessWire Weekly #111

The 111th issue of ProcessWire Weekly brings in all the latest news from the ProcessWire community. Modules, sites, and more. Read on!

Welcome to our latest weekly issue, and happy Midsummer to all our readers. Here in Finland Midsummer means bonfires, barbecuing, music festivals, and hopefully a few glimpses of sunshine – in other words it's a great time to relax. Hope you folks have a nice and relaxing weekend too, wherever you happen to be right now!

This has been a relatively quiet week, yet we've got plenty of content for this issue anyway. Ryan has been making some very nice improvements to the core, our newly updated forums have been buzzing with discussions, and we've got a new module and a fresh site of the week to share too. Good times indeed.

Thanks for being here with us and as always, all feedback is welcome – please don't hesitate to drop us a line if there's anything you'd like us to consider for our future issues. We hope you enjoy our latest issue and have a great weekend!

Latest core updates: ProcessWire 3.0.23 and 2.8.23

In his latest post at the blog, Ryan walks us through the latest bunch of core updates. As it happens, this week we've got plenty of those:

  • File Compiler in the 2.8.x branch is now able to compile 3.x modules. This means that nearly all modules written for the 3.x branch should be compatible with the 2.8.x branch, and vice versa.
  • Repeaters have a new option for keeping edited repeater items open after save. The intention behind this is to make it easier to find items you've just edited, especially on sites with many repeater items.
  • Language translations can now be exported as one CSV file per each language. This makes it easier to export and import complete languages as a single file, and also makes it possible to edit translations with any decent sheatsheet application.
  • Longclick support has been added for language tabs. This makes it possible to activate all tabs of given language by clicking and holding for a moment on one of them, providing a really handy shortcut and potentially decreasing certain errors.
  • The translation interface now includes a live search feature, which can be used to find translatable phrases in files. Without this option this task would require performing grep (or similar action) for the templates and modules directories.

For more details about the core updates introduced this week, don't forget to check out the latest post at the blog. Thanks!

New module: Markup JSON+LD Schema 

Markup JSON+LD Schema is a brand new markup module for easily generating JSON for Linking Data – or JSON-LD for short. The module includes config settings and can be used to dynamically generate JSON-LD based on it's settings and a given schema.

Here's a basic usage example of the Markup JSON+LD Schema module:

<script type="application/ld+json">
    <?= $modules->get('MarkupJsonLDSchema')->render('LocalBusiness') ?>

The module includes various ready to use schemas, and you can also customize them, override values of schema elements, and so on. All in all this module is quite easy to work with, easy to extend, and provides various handy features right out of the box.

Big thanks to Clip Magic for sharing their work with the ProcessWire community – this is their first public ProcessWire module, and as such deserves an extra round of applause. Keep up the great work!

Site of the week: KS E-Mobilität

Our latest site of the week is KS E-Mobilität, a german car dealer specialized in electric vehicles for gardeners, craftsmen, facility managers, hotels and events.

Designed by typneun Designbüro, this site is both beautiful and functional: accessible, responsive, blazingly fast, and of course full of meaningful content – in other words a great example of modern web design and development in action.

Behind the scenes this site makes use of a couple of Pro modules: ProCache, ProFields, and FormBuilder. Techniques and technologies used include SASS, SVG, flexbox, image-set() and progressive enhancement. HTTPS mode is enforced and the SSL certificate is provided by Let's Encrypt, the free SSL/TLS certificate authority.

Generally speaking this is one of the most technologically advanced sites we've come across in a while and some of the techniques used could really be considered cutting edge. Big thanks to typneun Designbüro for sharing their work with us!

Stay tuned for our next issue

That's it for the 111th issue of ProcessWire Weekly. We'll be back with more news, updates, and content Saturday, 2nd of July. As always, ProcessWire newsletter subscribers will get our updates a few days later.

Thanks for staying with us, once again. Hope you've had a great and productive week, and don't forget to check out the ProcessWire forums for more interesting topics. Until next week, happy hacking with ProcessWire!

This post has 1 comment:

Mats on Saturday 25th of June 2016 21:32 pm

Happy Midsummer!

Thanks for doing the!

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