The 146th issue of ProcessWire Weekly brings in all the latest news from the ProcessWire community. Modules, sites, and more. Read on!
Welcome to the 146th issue of ProcessWire Weekly. For this issue we've got some news from Ryan regarding the new admin theme framework, we're taking a look at a preview version of a new range slider module, and there's an article – a case story, actually – we'd really like you folks to check out.
Our latest site of the week belongs to a company specializing in magnesium products, and the site contains a few things we don't see every week: e-commerce integration, AMP powered articles, and so on. Anyway, you can read more about that in a bit.
Thanks to all of our readers for being here with us again, and as always, any feedback is most welcome – please don't hesitate to drop us a line if there's anything in your mind you'd like to share with us. Enjoy our latest issue and have a great weekend!
Latest core updates: a live demo of the new admin theme framework
Ryan's latest update at the blog is somewhat on the short side, for a good reason: he has just made a demo of ProcessWire's new admin theme framework available for the general public. That's right, folks – you can finally log in and see for yourself what the new theme feels like.
Again, please keep in mind that the design of the admin theme is subject to change. It is our hope that the wonderful designers we have in our community will step up and help us make the new theme not just a pleasure to use, but also pleasing to the eye.
You'll find a few more pointers from Ryan's latest blog post, but if you'd just like to take a peek at the admin theme in action, you can log in to the demo here with username bloguser and password processwire3.
Thanks for your time, and feel free to leave any feedback as comments to Ryan's blog post. More feedback at this stage means more things we can take into account as we continue the development of the admin theme, so thanks for helping us out!
Module preview: JqueryIonRangeSlider
JqueryIonRangeSlider is an upcoming module currently being developed by Macrura. And yes, we say being developed, since – as of this writing – the module isn't available for the general public yet.
Anyway, this module integrates the popular jQuery range slider plugin Ion.RangeSlider with ProcessWire's admin backend by allowing you to turn any regular text field into a range slider. The module allows you to pass params directly to a range slider instance, making it configurable without limitations.

For more details and multiple screenshots comparing the output of this module with that of InputfieldRangeSlider – another range slider module some of you are probably already familiar with – please check out the JqueryIonRangeSlider forum thread.
Big thanks to Macrura for sharing his work with us. So far we're loving what we've seen, and can't wait to get our hands to the finished module. So.. thank you!
ProcessWire on Trial – a very detailed case story by Guy Verville of Spiria
This week we wanted to highlight a great new article titled ProcessWire on Trial.
In a nutshell it is a case story authored by Guy Verville of Spiria about building the Zone de ski de l’Estrie website. This was also our site of the week in issue #139 of ProcessWire Weekly, which is yet another reason we're so thrilled to hear what exactly went on behind the scenes.
Just like any good case story, ProcessWire on Trial also approaches it's subject from more than one angle:
- the scope, goals, and end results of the project,
- the reasons for choosing ProcessWire as the CMS,
- things learned, including potential pitfalls and how they were overcome.
All in all this is a great case story, and we're happy to hear that the folks at Spiria were clearly happy with the overall experience provided by ProcessWire enough to – in their own words – say that they would do it again. That, if anything, is a vote of confidence.
Who knows, perhaps this means that we'll get to see more of their ProcessWire projects in the near future. Either way, we're happy that they used ProcessWire, and we're happy to learn about their experiences during the process :)
Site of the week: Ancient Lakes
Our latest site of the week belongs to Ancient Lakes, a small family business based in Perth, Western Australia.
Ancient Lakes specializes in magnesium products sourced from a natural salt lake deep in the deserts of Western Australia, and sell these products via their site. This part is made possible by Snipcart, a popular e-commerce platform designed for easy integration to pretty much any kind of website.
When it comes to things that happen (mostly) behind the scenes, there are quite a few highlights here: the use of JSON-LD metadata, Snipcart and MailChimp integrations, the use of the EmailObfuscation module, and special AMP powered views for articles – just to mention a few.
Our congratulations to the client for a lovely site, and thanks to the client and the folks behind the implementation – Ivo Franich and Scot Nicholls – for sharing it with us. This looks like a very interesting site, and we're happy to have it in our sites directory!
Stay tuned for our next issue
That's it for the 146th issue of ProcessWire Weekly. We'll be back with more news, updates, and content Saturday, 4th of March. As always, ProcessWire newsletter subscribers will get our updates a few days later.
Thanks for staying with us, once again. Hope you've had a great and productive week, and don't forget to check out the ProcessWire forums for more interesting topics. Until next week, happy hacking with ProcessWire!
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