The 161st issue of ProcessWire Weekly brings in all the latest news from the ProcessWire community. Modules, sites, and more. Read on!
Welcome to the 161st issue of ProcessWire Weekly! This time we're going to take a closer look at some new modules, choose a new site of the week, and provide you with a new poll. Just a reminder in case you're interested in our earlier polls: we've recently added a brand new poll archive section to the site, so feel free to check it out too.
Since Ryan has been traveling with his family this week, we don't have a new blog post from him – or any notable core updates for that matter – to share, but worry not: we'll get back on track regarding all that by next week.
Thanks to all of our readers for being here with us again, and as always, any feedback is most welcome – please don't hesitate to drop us a line if there's anything in your mind you'd like to share with us. Enjoy our latest issue and have a great weekend!
Weekly poll: how long have you been using ProcessWire?
We're always interested in learning more about our audience here, and of course ProcessWire users in general too. In just a few years we've seen a lot of change in not just ProcessWire the project, but also the community around it, and we'd really like to know how long you have been using ProcessWire – personally or professionally?
- I don't really use ProcessWire, I'm just an interested bystander (3.2%, 4)
- A year or less, I'm just getting started [0-1] (17.6%, 22)
- Two to three years, been here for a while already [2-3] (38.4%, 48)
- My gosh, it's been three to four years already [3-4] (16.8%, 21)
- Four to five years, got plenty of experience [4-5] (12%, 15)
- Five years or more, I'm old school! [5+] (12%, 15)
Total votings: 125
Feel free to check out the poll archive for results of our earlier polls. All suggestions for future polls are more than welcome too. Thanks in advance for both your answer here and any additional suggestions or feedback you might have!
New module: Image Field Markdown Code Additional Fields
Image Field Markdown Code Additional Fields is a new module by Camilo Castro, a.k.a. clsource. Don't let the rather long and detailed name of the module scare you, by the way: the gist it is actually quite easy to grasp.
In a nutshell Image Field Markdown Code Additional Fields is an admin helper module that adds a bunch of extra details to image fields:

Using these newly added extra fields it is really easy to copy the path, URL, Markdown path, Markdown URL, HTML path, or HTML URL of an image in order to insert it into a field on a page, a link in an RTE – or whatever else you might need it for. Note that you can configure this module to only show some of those fields, in case you find paths or HTML tags distracting, don't use Markdown, etc.
Overall this is a very nice little module, and though the full list of extra fields may be a bit "over the top" for most users, it's nice to be able to limit visible details via module settings. We would also like to add that is a feature specifically requested via our support forum, so there's no doubt that some users will find it rather useful.
Big thanks to Camilo Castro for sharing this module with us – keep up the good work!
Site of the week: Weissenrieder Architekten BDA
Our latest site of the week belongs to Weissenrieder Architekten BDA, an architect office based in Freiburg im Breisgau, south-western Germany. Founded in 2010, they have experience in almost all areas of architecture and interior architecture, and have worked on numerous public and private projects.
The site of Weissenrieder Architekten BDA, designed and developed by designconcepts GmbH, boasts a minimalistic design, is largely dominated by sizeable high quality photographs, and works well on both small and large screens. Apart from the content blocks that fade in and a top bar that changes as you scroll down you won't find too many visual distractions here, which is clearly intentional: on this site it's particularly easy to focus on what really matters, i.e. the content.
The responsive front-end of this site is powered by the UIkit front-end framework, and behind the scenes the ProCache module is doing its magic. Another load time related optimization are the lazy loaded images, handled by the lazysizes library – and since browser support for features like srcset is still a bit shaky, the site also makes use of the popular responsive image polyfill Picturefill.
That's pretty much all we have to say about this site right now. Overall it is a wonderful site, and particularly enjoyable for anyone who enjoys a minimalistic approach to web design. Big thanks to designconcepts GmbH for sharing yet another lovely site with us, and congratulations to the owner of said site – Weissenrieder Architekten BDA!
Stay tuned for our next issue
That's it for the 161st issue of ProcessWire Weekly. We'll be back with more news, updates, and content Saturday, 17th of June. As always, ProcessWire newsletter subscribers will get our updates a few days later.
Thanks for staying with us, once again. Hope you've had a great and productive week, and don't forget to check out the ProcessWire forums for more interesting topics. Until next week, happy hacking with ProcessWire!
Andreas Scheffczyk on Monday 12th of June 2017 20:51 pm
Thanks again. :-)