ProcessWire Weekly #198

The 198th issue of ProcessWire Weekly brings in all the latest news from the ProcessWire community. Modules, core updates, sites, and more. Read on!

Welcome to the 198th issue of ProcessWire Weekly! This time we're going to walk you through the latest core updates, introduce two brand new third party modules, and take a closer look at a really neat new site of the week.

Something else we'd like to highlight this week is this forum post from Adrian, where he reminds us to show our appreciation of the ProcessWire project by starring it at GitHub. So, if you haven't done so yet, it'd be a nice gesture if you could visit GitHub and star the processwire repository – and perhaps some of your favorite modules as well.

As always, a big thank you to all of you for being here with us, and please don't hesitate to drop us a note if there's anything in your mind that you'd like to share. Your feedback helps us focus on the things that you folks want to hear more about.

Latest core updates: ProcessWire 3.0.93

In his weekly post at the blog Ryan talks a bit about 3.0.93, the latest development version of ProcessWire, available right now via the dev branch at GitHub. This focus of this version is on resolving remaining GitHub issue reports and making sure that the 3.1 release is as stable as possible.

According to Ryan 3.1 could be out as soon as next week, so this is once again when we would really appreciate if you could ...

  • file an issue report for any bugs you've found while using the current dev version, particularly those that could affect multiple users, and
  • double check if any bug reports you've opened are still valid, i.e. the issue is still reproducible in the latest dev version of ProcessWire.

If you've reported a bug via an issue, and it's still occurring in the current development version, please add a new comment to the issue report so that we can get back to you as soon as possible.

In other news Ryan is also working on a new version of one of his commercial modules, ProCache. For more details about this and of course the latest core updates, check out the latest post at the blog. Thanks!

New module: Mail Debugger

Mail Debugger is a new module used for logging and (optionally) capturing outgoing emails. The logging part is probably pretty self-explanatory – it just keeps a log of outgoing messages. The mail capturing part is also pretty handy, as it can, for an example, help you avoid accidentally sending test messages to real users while you're working on a new feature.

Behind the scenes this module hooks into the send method of WireMail in order to do it's magic. The capturing and re-routing part is only triggered if your site is in debug mode and you've defined an email address for that purpose via the module's settings screen. When a message is intercepted and re-routed, the addresses of the original recipients are included in the message body.

It's probably worth mentioning that both of these features are also available via the Tracy debugging module – but in case you just need the mail logging/capturing part, Mail Debugger is an effective way to get just that, no more and no less.

Big thanks to Christian Lange for sharing this module with us. Keep up the great work!

New module: Video or Social Post Embed

Video or Social Post Embed is another brand new module. It is basically an extended version of the TextformatterVideoEmbed module from Ryan: not only does it support embedding videos from YouTube or Vimeo, this version also provides you with the ability to easily embed social media content from Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and neat magazine type presentations from Issuu.

Just like with the original TextformatterVideoEmbed module, once you've enabled Video or Social Post Embed on one of your fields, you can paste the URL of a YouTube/Vimeo video into a new paragraph on said field, and the module will convert that URL into an embedded Video. Same goes for social media content: just copy and paste the URL of a tweet or post into your field, and the module will convert it into embedded content.

For more details about using this module, examples of the types of URLs it can convert to embedded content, and some troubleshooting tips, please check out the Video or Social Post Embed support forum thread.

Thanks to Lex Sanchez for sharing this module with us!

Site of the week: The Smart Group

Our latest site of the week belongs to a company called The Smart Group – an innovative marketing services company based in Ireland. The Smart Group has worked with a number of major brands, and their specialties include creative services, print media, promotional merchandise, and marketing technology.

The design of The Smart Group website is quite modern, somewhat minimalistic, and all in all very easy to grasp and use. Even though there are a number of different content blocks with varying widths and backgrounds, they all fit really nicely together, resulting in a rather enjoyable experience for end-users.

From the case study thread at our support forum we know that there are a bunch of familiar modules doing their magic behind the scenes – namely AIOM+, Markup SEO, Markup Sitemap XML, Auto Smush, and Menu Builder. On the front-end we can see some Vue components, and the site is – obviously – fully responsive too.

Big thanks to patricktsg for sharing this site with us, and congratulations to The Smart Group for having a splendid, ProcessWire powered website!

Stay tuned for our next issue

That's it for the 198th issue of ProcessWire Weekly. We'll be back with more news, updates, and content Saturday, 3rd of March. As always, ProcessWire newsletter subscribers will get our updates a few days later.

Thanks for staying with us, once again. Hope you've had a great and productive week, and don't forget to check out the ProcessWire forums for more interesting topics. Until next week, happy hacking with ProcessWire!

This post has 1 comment:

Patrick on Monday 26th of February 2018 11:03 am

Thank's for featuring our website :)

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