ProcessWire weekly #2

Second issue of ProcessWire weekly. We've got some new and new-ish modules to discuss, interesting new project to introduce and more. Read on!

Previous issue introduced a bunch of large updates, including core additions and new commercial modules. This time we'll focus on the stuff happening on the forum and the community itself.

We've also got a new section in this issue titled "featured site of the week", showcasing one exceptional ProcessWire site.

ProFields are finally available from the ProcessWire store

In previous issue we introduced ProFields and provided links for screencasts of Textareas and Multiplier. This bundle of four separate modules – Textareas, Multiplier, Table and AutoLinks – is now officially available from the ProcessWire store.

For the record, the modules we didn't cover last time are AutoLinks and Table:

  • AutoLinks is a textformatter that automatically converts text to internal links. Keywords here are SEO and accessibility, so this should be pretty interesting for a lot of content creators out there. See the forum thread for more details.
  • Table lets you create your own custom fieldtypes by selecting a bunch of other fields to construct it from. This module, like Ryan points out in the forum thread, pretty much has to be seen to really be understood:

Price tag ($89.00) for ProFields is reasonable, to say the least, considering that what you're getting is essentially four separate modules. With coupon code below you can even shave additional $20.00 off that, making it total of $69.00. That's one heck 'o a bargain fer ye, matey!

Stuck with WordPress? No worries, there's a migrator for you!

Adrian has been working on his ProcessMigrator module for quite a while now, making importing and exporting data from and to ProcessWire a breeze.

One of the latest additions to the module is support for third party migrator modules. First third party migrator module comes from Nico and adds full support for migrating data from WordPress.

If you ever need to convert an existing WordPress site to ProcessWire, this looks like a real timesaver. You can grab the MigratorWordpress module from GitHub.

Hopefully we'll soon have more migrator modules on their way!

Screencast site dedicated to ProcessWire

Increasing amount of ProcessWire screencasts have been finding their way to YouTube, but this is something slightly different: a project aiming to create an entire screencast site dedicated to ProcessWire –

Not much more to say about this one yet, as it's apparently still at idea level – except that I really can't wait for this to be a real thing!

See the full discussion about here.

Stay tuned for next weeks issue

After previous issue I've received enough positive feedback to keep these posts coming for years. Still, we'll have take this one post at a time – and that being said, all suggestions and ideas about the content of future issues are more than welcome, so please keep them coming.

Next issue will be out Saturday 31st of May. Until then, happy hacking with ProcessWire!

This post has 1 comment:

Adrian on Sunday 25th of May 2014 3:16 am

Great edition teppo :)

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