In the 284th issue of ProcessWire Weekly we're going to take a quick look at the latest core updates, introduce a new module called InputfieldFloatRange, and continue our ongoing poll series #processwireworks. Read on!
Welcome to the latest issue of ProcessWire Weekly! Hope you've had a great week and weekend so far. As you've probably noticed in case you're reading this at, this week's issue was released a day late – that's due to some unforeseen scheduling issues, and we're sorry for any inconvenience. We'll be back to our regular schedule next week.
Anyway, in this issue we're going to check out the latest core updates; this week there's no new core version, so this involves walking through the commit log for the past week or so. In other news we're going to introduce a newly released inputfield module called InputfieldFloatRange, and include a new weekly poll – as well as the results from last week's poll – in our #processwireworks series.
Finally, we're going to showcase a new site of the week called, which is the one-pager portfolio of Marc Hinse, aka MadeMyDay. This is the latest version of the site, released way back, but it was just added to our sites directory – and despite being a few years old already, it looks every bit as awesome today as it did back then.
Thanks to all of our readers for being here with us again, and as always, any feedback is most welcome – please don't hesitate to drop us a line if there's anything in your mind you'd like to share with us. Enjoy our latest issue and have a great weekend!
On a loosely related note: last week we talked a bit about the Concatenate Conference 2019. For those interested in that kind of stuff, you can now also find the Oct 15th video from YouTube, and @ianbrayoniist has compiled a handy list of talks and related links.
Latest core updates
After last week's big release of ProcessWire 3.0.142 and FormBuilder v40 along with it, this week we're back to doing some routine maintenance while also preparing for our next release, 3.0.143. This week's core commits consist mainly of fixes to issues raised at GitHub, but also add some minor new features.
Here's a summary of the core updates from the past week:
- Custom page icons (via field page_icon) now work more consistently; earlier they were not supported by ProcessList::render(), which was necessary to show them in page lists etc.
- Fixes to issues affecting the newly added custom data for image/file fields, including one affecting the use of checkboxes, and another related to multi-language support.
- FieldtypeDatetime was refactored so that it no longer extends FieldtypeText behind the scenes, which should resolve some issues with it.
- Fix for an issue causing orphaned data to remain after files/images field was removed from a template.
- Fix for an issue where the httpUrl property of a WebP image was returning an URL for the original version instead.
- Fix for an issue where the editLink option of InputfieldAsmSelect was affecting other AsmSelect inputs on the same page as well.
- Fix for an issue where fieldtype modules that had a static getModuleConfigInputfields() method and extended FieldtypeFile or FieldtypeImage were causing a compile error.
- Fix for a JavaScript error displayed when creating a new RepeaterMatrix type.
- Fix for an issue where FieldtypeToggle wasn't respecting per-template context settings as expected.
- Work-in-progress fix was applied in order to resolve a date-related backwards compatibility breaking change introduced in MySQL 8.0.16, affecting date fields with empty values.
There were also various improvements for PHPDoc comments in core components, as well as some minor updates for ProcessRole (improved instructions), FileLog (additional save options), and ProcessLogger (improved output).
Overall this week's updates were not particularly major, but if you're using ProcessWire 3.0.142, it would be a good idea to update to the latest version instead, particularly in case you're also using the custom fields for field/image fields feature.
New module: InputfieldFloatRange
The latest addition to the ProcessWire modules directory is an inputfield module called InputfieldFloatRange, developed by Eelke Feenstra. This module provides a range slider, implemented with the HTML5 <input type="range">
element, on top of the native float inputfield found from ProcessWire.
The features provided by this module include...
- an ability to define allowed min and max values,
- an ability to define steps for valid values,
- a customizable precision (number of decimals),
- and an option to display and manually override the selected value (can be enabled/disabled via module settings).

InputfieldFloatRange in action (Min=0, Max=1, Step=0.2, Precision=2), a GIF animation by Eelke Feenstra.
While not the first range-related input for ProcessWire, InputfieldFloatRange is unique in that it makes use of the native HTML5 range input, and has no third party JavaScript dependencies. As it's built on top of a native browser feature, it's likely to work mostly consistently in browsers that provide support for this type of input – which (currently) means anything above IE 10, with the single exception of Opera Mini.
Big thanks to Eelke for building this module and sharing it with us – it's a very nice contribution, and we're sure it'll find its way into many projects in the future!
Site of the week:
Our latest site of the week is, the one-pager portfolio website of Marc Hinse, a freelance designer/developer from Karlsruhe, Germany. In addition to his amazing client work Marc has also written a number of interesting articles, including one about choosing ProcessWire over MODX – a post that made some ripples when it was released, and has since then been mentioned by a number of former MODX users who've transitioned into our community.
Now, current iteration of has been online for quite a while already, but still looks fresh. As a one-pager it also managers to pack plenty of content on just a single view: there are portfolio items presented as a custom gallery feature with plenty of detail about each individual item, there's a D3.js powered "tag cloud" type skills section, and there are – of course – various bits and pieces of information about who Marc is, and what he can do for his clients.
In addition to D3.js, some of the tech choices behind the site include jQuery 3 and Hammer.js used for implementing gesture support. The gallery feature at the top of the site was custom-built, and on the CSS side the site apparently makes use of Jeet Grid System. That's all we have for now – in case you'd like to learn more about this site, be sure to drop a note for Marc at the showcase forum.
Big thanks for Marc for sharing this site with us, and of course for all your ProcessWire related work. We're happy to have you around :)
Stay tuned for our next issue
That's all for the 284th issue of ProcessWire Weekly. We'll be back with more news, updates, and content Saturday, 26th of October. As always, ProcessWire newsletter subscribers will get our updates a few days later.
Thanks for staying with us, once again. Hope you've had a great and productive week, and don't forget to check out the ProcessWire forums for more interesting topics. Until next week, happy hacking with ProcessWire!
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