In the 292nd issue of ProcessWire Weekly we're going to cover three new modules – Login Register Pro, FieldtypeImageFromPage, and PwQuickFixes – as well as introduce a very interesting new site of the week. Read on!
In lack of a better word this is going to be a rather module-heavy issue: not only do we get to cover the newly released Login Register Pro module from Ryan, we're also going to check out a new Fieldtype and Inputfield combination called Fieldtype Image From Page developed by Gebeer, and the PwQuickFixes module by Bernhard Baumrock.
Our latest site of the week is that of Ibrahim Fathi, a digital marketer and data analyst from Egypt. We'll dig into this site in more detail in just a bit, but here's one thing that sets this particular site apart from most ProcessWire sites we've featured so far: as an Arabic website it's also RTL – content flows from right to left instead of left to right.
Thanks to all of our readers for being here with us again, and as always, any feedback is most welcome – please don't hesitate to drop us a line if there's anything in your mind you'd like to share with us. Enjoy our latest issue and have a great weekend!
On the blog this week: introducing the Login Register Pro module
In the latest post at the blog Ryan introduces his latest Pro module – Login Register Pro. This is an upcoming commercial all-in-one, self-contained module for providing new user registration, secure logins, profile editing, and more.
Login Register Pro in a nutshell
Login Register Pro is the successor to an earlier, open sourced module with similar name – LoginRegister. While the new version provides many of the same features, it also does a lot more, and behind the scenes it's more like a full rewrite than just an updated or extended version.
Some of the key features of the Pro module include...
- Front-end secure login form that uses email address as the login name, and new user registration form with fully configurable fields – as well as a built-in email based confirmation process.
- Support for front-end profile editing, password recovery, and optionally even the ability to delete one's own account.
- Extensive configuration and customization – you can choose the roles to apply to new users, limit front-end logins to specific roles, customize markup produced by the module, and more.
- Numerous security features, including support for two-factor authentication (TFA) and Google reCAPTCHA, email and IP blocking based on, and login throttling.
For those who require even more control over the entire login and registration process and the resulting output, there will be both hookable methods (30+ of them in total) as well as a robust and well documented API.
Check out the blog post for more details
You can find a more comprehensive list of features, along with screenshots and a list of differences between this new module and it's predecessor, from the blog post by Ryan. There's also plenty of information regarding how the module actually works, as well as the circumstances leading up to its development.
Be sure to check out the blog post for more information. While this module isn't quite yet ready for release, it will be soon – if you want to get the word as soon as possible, the blog post also contains a form you can fill to get a heads-up once it's out.
New module: FieldtypeImageFromPage
Fieldtype Image From Page is a brand new module developed by Gebeer. Similar to the Fieldtype Image Picker module that we introduced a couple of weeks ago, this module also provides a customized image picker inputfield/fieldtype for admin use.

While the earlier module, FieldtypeImagePicker, currently – we'll get back to this soon – allows you to pick and choose an image that has been stored on a directory on the disk, FieldtypeImageFromPage lets you specify a page to pick the image from instead. It's also possible to fetch images from child pages of the selected page, which is quite handy for, say, categorizing selectable images.
This module doesn't actually store selected images on current page, so they remain in one place, which is good for both disk usage and maintainability. Regardless, you have full access to the features of Pageimages, including methods such as size() or width(); so, in a way, you actually get the best of both worlds here.
While this module is already fully functional, here's the kicker: after some discussion it was decided that the FieldtypeImageFromPage and FieldtypeImagePicker modules will be merged in the near future, which means that you can eventually use one module to pick images from the disk, another page, and – most likely – current page as well.
We'll keep you posted as soon as the next iteration of the ImagePicker module is out, but in the meantime feel free to check the Fieldtype Image From Page module out. And big thanks to Gebeer for working on this awesome module!
New module: PwQuickFixes
PwQuickFixes is a recent module by Bernhard Baumrock. The goal of this rather unique module is to introduce so-called "quick fixes" for issues that are currently affecting the ProcessWire core or core modules, and thus allow users to locally apply temporary patches even before the issue has been fixed in the core.
The rough workflow, as detailed in the PwQuickFixes GitHub repository, is that when an issue in the core has been identified and can be temporarily patched by applying some custom JavaScript, CSS, or PHP via a hook method, a temporary fix is implemented for this module and can then be locally enabled until the actual issue gets addressed.
This module is not intended as a long term solution, but may come in handy in case an acute issue is still being discussed, or perhaps just takes a while to properly resolve – or, alternatively, the issue is fixed in a later version of ProcessWire, while updating a particular site isn't currently feasible.
Right now the module provides a couple of quick fixes: one for an admin scrolling issue, and another for cleaning up of the childTemplates properties of templates whenever a template is removed.
While it still remains to be seen how this module will evolve and how much use it will get, it's definitely an interesting idea, so big thanks to Bernhard for setting it up!
Site of the week: personal business site and blog of Ibrahim Fathi
Our latest pick for the site of the week title is the personal business site and blog of Ibrahim Fathi, a digital marketer and data analyst based in Alexandria, Egypt.
Ibrahim has worked with numerous clients, and has a very extensive skillset, ranging all the way from sysadmin work to design and development of web sites and apps – not to forget content marketing, search engine optimization, and business development.
In addition to a really nice design, one thing that sets this site apart from the majority of our previous sites of the week is the language of the site, Arabic – which, as you no doubt already knew, is authored from right to left. When designing a RTL website there are quite a few considerations to keep in mind and this site is an example of pulling it off very nicely. Little details – such as placing the logo on the top right on the layout – are important when catering for this sort of user experience.
The home page of this site effectively functions as a one-pager, with contacts and blog separated to their own sections. The front-end is based on the Bootstrap framework and performance wise this site also gets a lot of things right; at least you have to do something right in order to get a score of 95 from Page Speed Insights. Part of that can no doubt be credited to Cloudflare, though: this site is served via a Cloudflare proxy, and also makes use of their JavaScript optimization feature Rocket Loader.
Big thanks to Ibrahim for sharing this project with us, and congratulations for your new website – it's looking really good!
Stay tuned for our next issue
That's all for the 292nd issue of ProcessWire Weekly. We'll be back with more news, updates, and content Saturday, 21st of December. As always, ProcessWire newsletter subscribers will get our updates a few days later.
Thanks for staying with us, once again. Hope you've had a great and productive week, and don't forget to check out the ProcessWire forums for more interesting topics. Until next week, happy hacking with ProcessWire!
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