ProcessWire Weekly #341

In the 341st issue of ProcessWire Weekly we're going to check out the latest blog post, introduce upcoming commercial module called NiftyPasswordsPlus, and check out a brand new site of the week. Read on!

Welcome to the latest issue of ProcessWire Weekly! This week we've got plenty of stuff to cover: a new post at the where Ryan talks about new features just launched for the modules directory, a very interesting third party commercial module called NiftyPasswordsPlus, and as always a gorgeous new site of the week.

In other news a new tutorial site for ProcessWire users was released just after our last issue went live: This site was put together by Moritz L'Hoest, and on it Moritz covers various aspects of his ProcessWire development workflow, ranging from content structuring to more advanced topics, such as integrating composer into your workflow and introducing Twig templates into ProcessWire.

For more information about as well as some related discussion, visit the support form thread in which Moritz announced his new site.

Thanks to all of our readers for being here with us again, and as always, any feedback is most welcome – please don't hesitate to drop us a line if there's anything in your mind you'd like to share with us.

On the blog this week: introducing the new modules directory

In this week's blog post Ryan covers second major part of the modules directory: login/registration and module management features for module authors. The features covered in this article were only just released to the directory.

So, what's new this week? A bunch of things, actually:

  • The modules directory now provides the ability for module authors to register and login. This feature is powered by the Login Register Pro module.
  • Once a module author registers, they'll have the ability to update their modules — some details directly, others by pulling them from the GitHub repository — as well as temporarily unpublish or permanently remove them.
  • Registering with an email address that was used while adding existing module should automatically connect said module to your profile. If this doesn't work, please contact Ryan for support.
  • Module authors have a public profile page with their modules, profile picture, a brief introduction, and a link to the author's website. It's also possible to select "favorite" modules, which will eventually (as of this writing this part is a work in progress) also show up on the profile page.
This is what the public profile pages currently look like: a list of modules, along with a brief author info section.

The blog post also includes some insight into what makes the new modules directory tick: the modules used, developing with ProcessWire's built-in multi-instance support, and so on. Be sure to visit the blog for more details. Thanks!

NiftyPasswordsPlus, commercial extension for ProcessWire's password reset features

NiftyPasswordsPlus is a work in progress commercial module being developed by two long-time ProcessWire users, Steve — aka netcarver — and Pete. This module adds new features and builds on the password reset feature, making things easier and safer for end users.

There are three modules in the pack: NiftyPasswordsPlus, NiftyHashedTokens and FieldtypeUserTOTPValue. Together these extend the current abilities of ProcessForgotPasswords.

— netcarver

Among other things this module...

  • Enhances type checking in the password reset form, thus avoiding issues such as the user mistakenly typing in their email address instead of a username.
  • Provides configurable reset link validity period — anything between 60 and 3600 seconds, i.e. 1 minute and 1 hour.
  • Adds new options for the reset completion step: send just a code via email and show the form right away, or allow completing the process from separate session and/or IP (for cases where reset link is opened with different browser or device).
  • Makes it possible to auto-fill the verification code when using a reset link, and optionally completely hide the verification code field when auto-fill occurs.
  • Makes it possible to require 2FA validation while changing passwords. This option requires setting up the TOTP 2FA authentication module.

One of the "companion modules" included in this bundle is NiftyHashedTokens, which is pretty interesting in itself — it's essentially a key-value store with has tamper-detection on the keys and Time-To-Live, IP address checking and max-use counting for values.

For more details, visit the NiftyPasswordsPlus support forum thread. From said thread you'll find more information, as well as screenshots of the admin settings. The module is not yet publicly available, but we'll be sure to let you know once it is!

Site of the week: The Agency

Our latest site of the week belongs to the Luxembourg based real estate developer, The Agency. Their new website is the handiwork of the Belgian real estate communication agency HOOOX.

The Agency website boats a beautiful design, and there are features specifically tailored for real estate related sites — most prominently a projects section coupled with a search form with separate search filters for buyers and investors. Each project has an info page, and there are general purpose sections for agency introduction, contact details, and so on.

For the backend we used ProcessWire with the multi language modules and FormBuilder for the forms. The excellent modules by Wanze (TemplateEngineFactory, TemplateEngineTwig, SeoMaestro) keep our code clean and SEO friendly. The fronted uses UIkit and Vue.js for interactivity.

— HOOOX in the project introduction at the sites directory

Our congratulations to The Agency for their brilliant new site, and big thanks to the folks at HOOX for sharing this project with us, as well as including details about the implementation — that stuff is always interesting to read about!

Stay tuned for our next issue

That's all for the 341st issue of ProcessWire Weekly. We'll be back with more news, updates, and content Saturday, 28th of November. As always, ProcessWire newsletter subscribers will get our updates a few days later.

Thanks for staying with us, once again. Hope you've had a great and productive week, and don't forget to check out the ProcessWire forums for more interesting topics. Until next week, happy hacking with ProcessWire!

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