In the 366th issue of ProcessWire Weekly we'll cover the updates included in ProcessWire 3.0.178, introduce a newly released third party module called ProcessDbMigrate, and more. Read on!
Welcome to the latest issue of ProcessWire Weekly. This week we're going to cover some of the feature additions and other updates included with ProcessWire 3.0.178, our latest development release. For the past couple of weeks the focus has been on merging pull requests, and as the result there's something for everyone in this release.
In other news this week we're going to check out a newly released third party module called ProcessDbMigrations, before closing in by introducing our latest site of the week, which belongs to an Italian construction and real estate company Gruppo Genovese.
Thanks to all of our readers for being here with us again, and as always, any feedback is most welcome – please don't hesitate to drop us a line if there's anything in your mind you'd like to share with us. Enjoy our latest issue and have a great weekend!
Latest core updates: ProcessWire 3.0.178
This week in the blog Ryan introduces ProcessWire 3.0.178, which is as of this writing our latest development release. 3.0.178 consists primarily of merged PRs (pull requests) submitted by ProcessWire users, with each individual PR ranging all the way from small typo fixes and comment additions to entirely new features.
We covered some of the 3.0.178 updates last week in ProcessWire Weekly #365, including the ability to pass options to cURL via WireHttp and the deleteAllPathHistory() method for PagePathHistory, but here are a few additional highlights:
- $input->get and $input->post can now handle multi-dimensional arrays. This is an option that needs to be enabled via $config->wireInputArrayDepth.
- New hookable method PageRender::saveCacheFileReady() gives access to output being cached right before it gets stored in the database.
- The link editor for CKEditor now displays the link text for improved ease of use.
- $page->url() and $page->httpUrl() now optionally allow the developer to specify both the host and the protocol via provided arguments.
- The option to specify the SameSite attribute for cookies set by ProcessWire was added. Default value is "Lax", but you can set it to "Strict" via $config->sessionCookieSameSite.
In addition to the updates mentioned above there were bugfixes, code improvements behind the scenes, and at least a couple of usability and accessibility improvements. Some PRs are still being worked on; we'll provide more details once they get merged.
Check out the GitHub changelog for the full list of changes between 3.0.177 and 3.0.178, and be sure to visit the weekly blog post from Ryan as well. Thanks!
New module: ProcessDbMigrate
ProcessDbMigrate is a newly released third party module focused, as the name already suggests, on database migrations. Developed by Mark Evens, the goal with this module was to provide a GUI oriented alternative to the API oriented RockMigrations module.

While aforementioned modules can both be used to solve similar need — by which we mean they both be help with migrating changes made in development to a production environment and versioning these changes. That being said, the approach and context are quite different; in terms of GUI vs. API, but also in that DbMigrate focuses more on migrating page content, while RockMigrations is more about the structure of the site.
There's a detailed walk-through complete with explanations and screencasts available at the ProcessDbMigrate support forum thread, so be sure to check it out to get a grasp of how this module works. The module is currently at an early stage, but can be cloned or downloaded from the ProcessDbMigrate GitHub repository.
Big thanks to Mark for sharing this module with us — it's a very promising project, no doubt about that, and we look forward to seeing where it goes from here!
Site of the week: Gruppo Genovese
Our latest site of the week is that of Gruppo Genovese, a company specialized in design and project management for construction projects, and real estate services.
Based in Porcellengo, Italy, the group has decades of experience in their respective areas of focus, and take pride in providing turnkey projects for their clients. The newly released website of Gruppo Genovese was crafted by the IT, business development, and digital solutions company Sixlab, and is (obviously) powered by ProcessWire.
The Gruppo Genovese website boasts a beautiful design with bold shapes and colors, plenty of focus on detail, flashy transitions, and whatnot. Design wise this is one fine website, and it performs splendidly as well, so there's little to complain here. Content wise there's plenty to see here as well, from news and info pages to project pages.
Front-end of this website is powered by the Bootstrap front-end framework, and some smaller details on the front-end involve the privacy compliance solution iubenda and various utility libraries, such as odometer, noUiSlider, and wNumb.js. As for third party modules, there's only one we could spot — the FormBuilder pro module from Ryan.
Thanks to Sixlab for sharing this project with us, and our congratulations to Gruppo Genovese for their new website. Great job from everyone involved!
Stay tuned for our next issue
That's all for the 366th issue of ProcessWire Weekly. We'll be back with more news, updates, and content Saturday, 22nd of May. As always, ProcessWire newsletter subscribers will get our updates a few days later.
Thanks for staying with us, once again. Hope you've had a great and productive week, and don't forget to check out the ProcessWire forums for more interesting topics. Until next week, happy hacking with ProcessWire!
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