In the 388th issue of ProcessWire Weekly we'll check out the latest core update, introduce two new third party modules, and more. Read on!
Welcome to the latest issue of ProcessWire Weekly. In this week's issue we'll check out the latest development version of ProcessWire, 3.0.186. This version adds final touches to some behind the scenes updates that have been in the works for a few weeks now, and also includes some brand new features to Repeater fields.
In other news we're going to check out a couple of new third party modules: Login Fail Notifier from tcnet, and Fieldtype Measurement from Mark Evens. And, as always, we'll also highlight a new site of the week, which this time belongs to the digital marketing agency 2getmore from Austria.
Thanks to all of our readers for being here with us again, and as always, any feedback is most welcome – please don't hesitate to drop us a line if there's anything in your mind you'd like to share with us. Enjoy our latest issue and have a great weekend!
Latest core updates: ProcessWire 3.0.186
This week's core updates were introduced by Ryan via the support forum, and they both wrap up the bigger core updates that have been happening behind the scenes for a few weeks now, and also include something entirely new. Said new feature for this week is a Repeater update that adds buttons for adding items above or below existing item.
This update is easiest to grasp by checking out this brief YouTube video, in which you can see how said buttons behave when clicked (item is added right away) or hovered (placeholder item is added, which can then be converted into a real item by clicking):
This option works for regular Repeater fields, but should soon be available for Repeater Matrix fields as well — along with another, Repeater Matrix specific update, which adds support for adding new items via a dropdown select menu, particularly useful for such cases where there are a lot of different items, which you may also want to categorize.
Both Repeater and Repeater Matrix features mentioned here are steps towards flexible content building strategies, which were a hot topic at the support forum earlier this year. I for one am quite excited to see what else might be in the works!
If you'd like to dive deeper into this week's updates, feel free to do that by visiting the commit log for the dev branch. Either way, be sure to also check out the weekly core updates post from Ryan at the support forum. Thanks!
New module: Login Fail Notifier
Login Fail Notifier is a new third party module from tcnet. As the name states, this is a module for sending notification message via email to the site admin whenever a failed login attempt is detected. The module is very easy to get started with, and provides decent amount of configurability.
In addition to sending an email message, the module lets you decide which — if any — POST and/or SERVER variables are included in the message. As such, you could (for an example) easily capture the provided user name, IP address, user agent string header, and other potentially interesting details.
You can install this module via the built-in modules installer, or manually by cloning or downloading it from the LoginFailNotifier GitHub repository. Thanks to tcnet for sharing this module with us!
New module: Fieldtype Measurement
Another new third party module for this week is Fieldtype Measurement by Mark Evens. This fieldtype and inputfield bundle was built for storing measurement values within a field and converting them to other units or otherwise modifying them via the API.
Said API consists of a number of predefined functions, some of which include...
- render() for rendering the measurement object,
- valueAs() for converting the value to another unit,
- valueAsAll() for converting the value to all compatible units, and
- add() and subtract() for modifying the stored value by specified amount.
In the admin the inputfield includes a checkbox (which can be optionally disabled) for converting values on page save. For an example if a value was typed in as centimeters, the unit was changed to meters, and the page saved with this checkbox selected, said value would be automatically converted so that e.g. 170 cm becomes 1.7 m.

The module comes with predefined set of quantity types, such as "length" and "mass". You can easily override these on a case by case basis, and when you create a field that uses, say, the "length" quantity, you can choose which supported units (such as meters or feet) you want to enable.
We've only scratched the surface of what this module is truly capable of, so in case this sounds like something that might be of interest to you, check out the documentation available at the Fieldtype Measurement GitHub repository. Big thanks to Mark for developing this module and sharing it with us!
Site of the week: 2getmore
Our latest site of the week belongs to 2getmore GmbH. 2getmore are a mostly digital marketing agency based in Rum, Austria, with years of experience working with ProcessWire.
The 2getmore website features a nice and modern design, complete with some video material, as well as a rather interesting full page menu setup. This site acts as an introduction to the company, as well as all the services they provide — which is actually quite a list, ranging from early consultation, web and print design, development, content marketing, and even SEO and SEM.
The front-end of this site is based on the Uikit front-end framework, and as for behind the scenes details, there's a lengthy list of third party modules listed at the 2getmore showcase forum thread. Some highlights from said list include FormBuilder, ProCache, ProDrafts, Jumplinks, SEO Maestro, and Tracy Debugger — just to name a few.
Big thanks to the folks at 2getmore for sharing their work with us, as well as trusting ProcessWire as the platform for their projects. Keep up the great work!
Stay tuned for our next issue
That's all for the 388th issue of ProcessWire Weekly. We'll be back with more news, updates, and content Saturday, 23rd of October. As always, ProcessWire newsletter subscribers will get our updates a few days later.
Thanks for staying with us, once again. Hope you've had a great and productive week, and don't forget to check out the ProcessWire forums for more interesting topics. Until next week, happy hacking with ProcessWire!
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