In the 397th issue of ProcessWire Weekly we'll check out the latest core updates, introduce a couple of new modules, and more. Read on!
Welcome to the latest issue of ProcesWire Weekly! This week we'll cover the latest core updates, introduce a couple of brand new third party modules — Select Once Per Table and Admin Helper Links — and highlight a new site of the week.
Since this is our last issue before Christmas, Merry Christmas for each and every one of our readers! We've still got one more issue planned for this year, so we'll save the Happy New Year wishes for that one :)
Thanks to all of our readers for being here with us again, and as always, any feedback is most welcome – please don't hesitate to drop us a line if there's anything in your mind you'd like to share with us. Enjoy our latest issue and have a great weekend!
Latest core updates: trimming down the core package of ProcessWire
In this week's update at the support forum Ryan talks about trimming down the core. In practice this means that all "non-essential" site profiles, meaning anything other than site-blank, have been removed from the core package and split into separate repositories of their own.
I've been working on reducing the size of the core by moving all (except site-blank) installation profiles out of the core and into their own repositories. This cuts the size of the core in half, going from 15.5 MB down to 7.5 MB, which is quite a slim down!
— Ryan
... or, by counting lines of text or code, this update removes a total of 16 252 lines from the core package. This will make downloading ProcessWire faster, especially when you happen to be on a slow internet connections, and also means that downloading it will use less data (still important aspect for many mobile users). Additionally, there's now less stuff for us to maintain in the core repository, which is a good thing in itself.
Moving forward we may add a simplified "basic" site profile to the core to make things easier for new users, and the installer may also get support for downloading themes during installation. Neither of these is a sure thing just yet, though.
For more details about this update, and some related discussion, be sure to check out the weekly update from Ryan at the support forum. Thanks!
New module: Select Once Per Table
Select Once Per Table is a new module by Robin Sallis. This module integrates with the ProFields Table module and adds option for only allowing unique pages to be selected in a single Table via "Select", "Page (Select)" and "Page (Autocomplete Single)" columns.

As for why this makes sense, among other things this allows you to choose a page — much like a regular page reference field — but then also provide a set of other details (or metadata) that are related to this page in this particular context. This is a relatively common need, and among the solutions we've seen so far, this one is one of the most intuitive, flexible, and performant.
If you'd like to give this module a try, you can install it via the modules installer in the admin, or manually clone or download it from the Select Once Per Table GitHub directory. Big thanks to Robin for sharing this very useful module with us!
New module: Admin Helper Links
Admin Helper Links is a brand new third party module developed by Richard Jedlička. This module injects a few shortcut links to the admin interface:
- A link for editing current template. Displayed on the same line with Content, Children, Settings, etc. tabs when editing a page.
- A link for editing specific field. Displayed on the same line as the field label.
- A ink for editing specific field in the context of current template.
Aforementioned links display the template or field name on hover, and the edit screen are all opened in modal window, which allows one to easily make changes without moving between different admin views.

This module can be installed via the modules manager in the admin, by downloading or cloning manually from the Admin Helper Links GitHub repository, or via Composer — see module's directory entry for additional instructions. Big thanks to Richard for sharing this module with us!
Site of the week: Reese Modehäuser
Our latest site of the week belongs Reese Modehäuser — German fashion boutique. The company was founded in 1898 by Wilhelm Reese, and in addition to three other locations, their original location at Am Markt, Wilster is still open for business.
The website of Reese Modehäuser was built as a freelance project by Stefan Thumann, and introduced in a recent showcase form thread. The site is image heavy, but that doesn't seem to hinder its performance at all, and the design is also both gorgeous and timeless at the same time — a great fit for a fashion boutique combining long history with up to date offering.
The site introduces the clothing lines and brands made available to customers, includes a news section, and covers provided services and shop locations. From a technical point of view the front-end of the site appears to be based on the Bootstrap framework, while the ProcessWire modules used here include AIOM+, WireMail SMTP, and Redirects.
Big thanks to Stefan for sharing this fantastic project with us, and our congratulations to the client, Reese Modehäuser, for their new website!
Stay tuned for our next issue
That's all for the 397th issue of ProcessWire Weekly. We'll be back with more news, updates, and content Saturday, 25th of December. As always, ProcessWire newsletter subscribers will get our updates a few days later.
Thanks for staying with us, once again. Hope you've had a great and productive week, and don't forget to check out the ProcessWire forums for more interesting topics. Until next week, happy hacking with ProcessWire!
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