In the 411th issue of ProcessWire Weekly we'll cover the latest core updates, check out some recent ProcessWire highlights, and more. Read on!
Welcome to the latest issue of ProcessWire Weekly! In this week's issue we're going to check out the latest development version of ProcessWire, 3.0.197, which contains some very welcome additions to both the API and the admin GUI.
In other news we've got a list of weekly ProcessWire highlights — some new projects, a recent article about ProcessWire's pros and cons, and so on — and, as always, a newly released site of the week. More about all that in a bit, so keep on reading.
Thanks to all of our readers for being here with us again, and as always, any feedback is most welcome – please don't hesitate to drop us a line if there's anything in your mind you'd like to share with us. Enjoy our latest issue and have a great weekend!
Latest core updates: ProcessWire 3.0.197
This week's weekly update from Ryan covers the latest dev version of ProcessWire — 3.0.197. In addition to some minor updates and fixes, this version contains a few pretty interesting new feature:
- New $files->getCSV() method abstracts away the redundant details of reading a CSV file into one simple method call, while new $files->getAllCSV() method can return an entire CSV file in one go.
- The page list select for multiple pages (InputfieldPageListSelectMultiple) now remains open after a page has been selected, making for a more intuitive experience when picking more than one page at a time.
- Finally, the list of field visibility settings has been expanded by a new option: "Open + Locked (not editable)". This is a nice alternative to the "Closed + Locked (not editable)" option, making field value instantly visible (but not editable).

For a full log of changes to the dev branch, check out the weekly commit log at GitHub. Be sure to also visit the weekly update from Ryan at the support forum for more details — including a code snippet showcasing the $files->getCSV() method in action. Thanks!
Weekly forum highlights and other online resources
For this week we've gathered a list of support forum highlights and other useful and hopefully interesting resources. As always, please let us know if there's anything important we've missed, so that we can include it in one of our future issues.
- First of all we've got a new article from Camilo Castro: ProcessWire's Pros and Cons. Check it out and let us know what you think — agree or disagree?
- Next up is a very interesting upcoming project: ProcessWire powered pagebuilder PageGrid. This commercial tool is still a work in progress, but be sure to view the tutorial video for a quick sneak peek, and subscribe to the mailing list in case you'd like to hear more as soon as PageGrid is publicly available!
- Moving on to new or updated modules, we've got a few of those as well, and the first one is a new project called GitHub Updates; a Process module for managing project updates via a separate GitHub repository. This module is brand new, and will likely be covered in more detail in one of our future issues.
- Next up we've got a new version of a third party module we've featured here once before: Fieldtype Measurement. Since the initial release last year this module has gone through substantial updates and is now available via the module's directory, so definitely check it out if you haven't already!
- Last but not least, there are also some pretty neat updates available for the Tracy Debugger module, which you can read more about from the important updates support forum board. Among other things this update makes debugging guest user features easier... without making any sacrifices in terms of security.
If you're interested in ProcessWire news, discussions, and updates, there's always something going on at the support forum. Since we're only able to include a tiny selection of all that in our weekly updates, head down to the forum for more.
Site of the week: RSV Nuyina
Our latest site of the week is a new project from the Australian Antarctic Division: a website dedicated to documenting and tracking the journeys of Australia’s new Antarctic icebreaker ship RSV Nuyina.
The ship of the hour is the main lifeline to Australia's Antarctic research stations, and a key part of their Antarctic and Southern Ocean scientific research. From the website one can find loads and loads of information about Nuyina, from voyage maps, news, and webcam feeds to interesting details about the ships scientific capabilities.
As for behind the scenes details, the front-end of the RSV Nuyina website is based on the Bootstrap front-end framework. The site's front-end also includes the Plyr media player, Pushy responsive off-canvas navigation menu, and a decent amount of custom code. As for the backend, there's not a lot we can tell — expect for the site (obviously) being powered by ProcessWire.
Big thanks to the folks at the Australian Antarctic Division for sharing this project with us — the site looks great, and it was definitely interesting to learn about the Nuyina. Great work indeed!
Stay tuned for our next issue
That's it for the 411th issue of ProcessWire Weekly. We'll be back with more news, updates, and content Saturday, 2nd of April. As always, ProcessWire newsletter subscribers will get our updates a few days later.
Thanks for staying with us, once again. Hope you've had a great and productive week, and don't forget to check out the ProcessWire forums for more interesting topics. Until next week, happy hacking with ProcessWire!
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