In the 500th issue of ProcessWire Weekly we'll check out the latest weekly update from Ryan, introduce a new weekly poll — along with the results of our previous weekly poll — and more. Read on!
Welcome to the latest issue of ProcessWire Weekly. In this week's issue we'll check out the latest update from Ryan, in which he shares more detail about the built-in version control support for fields that is likely going to be landing in the core soon, and we'll also include brand-new weekly poll (along with the results of our previous poll.)
As always we'll also highlight a new site of the week, and this week that site belongs to a French company called ATP2L T2L, which specializes in renting construction machines and trucks — along with qualified drivers for said machines. Keep on reading for more details.
Thanks to all of our readers for being here with us again, and as always, any feedback is most welcome – please don't hesitate to drop us a line if there's anything in your mind you'd like to share with us. Enjoy our latest issue and have a great weekend!
More news about upcoming core level version control support
In his latest weekly update Ryan shares some additional news regarding the field-level version control support, which was initially introduced in last week's update, as well as our previous weekly issue.
To summarize the current status of this feature, the development is progressing quite nicely, and this week a new interface called FieldtypeDoesVersions was pushed to the dev branch at GitHub. Additionally an implementation of this interface was pushed for one of the most complex core fieldtypes, Repeater.
The module that provides version capability is called PagesVersions and the plan so far is to make it a core module that provides API version support for pages. A separate module provides interactive version support in the page editor.
— Ryan
The weekly update includes a screenshot of the version control module that Ryan is currently working on, and it looks pretty much what you'd expect it to look like: a table with a row per version, with each version numbered, and you can view, edit, or restore any version of the page. There are also some API examples available, though as Ryan mentions in his post, this part is still subject to change as things progress.

All in all this looks like yet another solid addition to the core, and we are thrilled to see core level version control support (hopefully) in the near future. In the meantime be sure to check out the weekly update from Ryan for more details about htis feature!
Weekly poll: which web server software do you use to host ProcessWire sites?
It's been a while since we've had regular polls, but we're trying to get this thing rolling again, so this week we've got a new one for you folks. This time the question is about (web) server software you're using to host your ProcessWire powered sites or applications — what's your flavour?
As we all probably know, ProcessWire natively supports Apache, but there have been various community efforts for supporting NGINX, IIS, and a few others through the years. We'd like to know what the typical use case looks like; is Apache the clear winner, or are there other popular options as well?
Take a minute to answer and let us know what you're using!
The results of our previous poll, from Weekly issue #497, are now available as well. The question in said poll was "how many clients does your business provide services for", and based on the results we have a pretty clear "winner":
- 10-50 clients (50.9%)
- Fewer than 10 clients (26.3%)
- 50-100 clients (12.3%, 7)
These three options constitute around 90% of all answers, so based on our data a considerable number of ProcessWire providers fall somewhere around 10-50 clients, give or take a few.
Feel free to check out the poll archive for results of our earlier polls. All suggestions for future polls are more than welcome too. Thanks in advance for both your answer here and any additional suggestions or feedback you might have.
Site of the week: ATP2L T2L
Our latest site of the week belongs to ATP2L T2L — a company focused on renting construction machines and trucks, along with qualified drivers for said machines. The company was founded by Nathalie Legendre and Pascal Le Bihan, has been around for more than 30 years, and is based in Le Mans, France.
The ATP2L T2L website was created by EPRC and recently introduced in a showcase forum thread. It is a relatively simple website, but there's quite a bit of information available, and both video material and illustrations are used to liven things up. Each machine rented by the company is introduced in plenty of detail, and the site also covers various projects they've been involved in, and the services they can be hired to take care of.
As for behind the scenes details, the front-end of this website was hand-crafted, so there's no full-blown front-end framework here. Some of the third party ProcessWire modules used on this site, as detailed in the showcase forum post, include Tracy Debugger, FormBuilder, ProCache, ProFields RepeaterMatrix and Table, and the combination of Dynamic Options fieldtype and the Select Images inputfield.
Big thanks to EPRC for sharing this project with us, and our congratulations to the client, ATP2L T2L, for their new, ProcessWire powered website!
Stay tuned for our next issue
That's it for the 500th issue of ProcessWire Weekly. We'll be back with more news, updates, and content Saturday, 16th of December. As always, ProcessWire newsletter subscribers will get our updates a few days later.
Thanks for staying with us, once again. Hope you've had a great and productive week, and don't forget to check out the ProcessWire forums for more interesting topics. Until next week, happy hacking with ProcessWire!
AndZyk on Monday 11th of December 2023 14:20 pm
Congratulations on 500 issues. Thank you for your amazing work. =)
monollonom on Monday 11th of December 2023 19:20 pm
Thanks for featuring our latest work and congrats on the 500 issues!
Brendon Kozlowski on Wednesday 13th of December 2023 18:15 pm
500 continuously authored issues. That's getting up to almost 10 years! I may not read every week on schedule, but I do make sure to read every issue (eventually) and it's proven extremely useful. Thanks for all of this work, Teppo!!! A massive milestone achievement, for sure!
Ryan Cramer on Wednesday 13th of December 2023 18:35 pm
Congratulations on 500 issues! Awesome work! Not only is ProcessWire Weekly the best ProcessWire news and article site, but imo it's also the best webdev news site there is. I've learned more here than from anywhere else, and learn new things with every issue. It's just awesome that there have been 500 issues. Thanks for your dedication and incredible work here.
Olaf Gleba on Saturday 16th of December 2023 9:35 am
Also from me a big thank you and kudos for all the effort and time you spent on keep this really useful source alive over the years!