In the 522nd issue of ProcessWire Weekly we'll check out the latest core updates, introduce a new module called File Mover, and more. Read on!
Welcome to the latest issue of ProcessWire Weekly! In this week’s issue we’ll check out the latest core updates, available via the dev branch of ProcessWire, which introduce a very interesting new option for adding field specific actions to ProcessWire's admin.
In other news we'll also check out a brand-new third party module by Robin Sallis: File Mover. And, as always, we've also got a new site of the week to check out — this week belonging to a Portuguese service offering guest houses, Casa Douro.
Thanks to all of our readers for being here with us again, and as always, any feedback is most welcome – please don't hesitate to drop us a line if there's anything in your mind you'd like to share with us. Enjoy our latest issue and have a great weekend!
Latest core updates: Inputfield actions via JavaScript
As Ryan explains in his latest weekly update, this week he's been busy working on his upcoming Page Edit Children module (which was introduced last week), and this work has resulted in a new feature addition to ProcessWire's JavaScript Inputfields API: the ability to add new header actions for fields.
Header actions for fields explained
Header actions are essentially buttons added to the field header, next to the label, as icons that trigger an action when clicked or toggled. The Page Editor Children module, for an example, makes use of these for things like a clone button that duplicates the item, or an on/off toggle that toggles the state of the item.
Here's how one could add a simple header action next to the "title" field:
Inputfields.addHeaderAction('title', {
icon: 'fa-hand-stop-o',
callback: function() {
ProcessWire.alert('Hello World!')
The two primary actions supported by header actions are click and (on/off) toggle, and in addition to the initial icon header actions also have built-in support for a separate hover icon and a tooltip. And a few other options, which are all covered in the weekly update by Ryan, so be sure to check it out for more examples and details.
Also anyone interested in learning more about ProcessWire's Inputfield JavaScript API should check out the inputfields.js file, which provides details about all the features made available in the admin.
That's all for our core updates section this week. Again, be sure to check out the weekly update by Ryan for more details. Thanks!
New module: File Mover
File Mover is a brand-new third party module for ProcessWire, created by Robin Sallis. This module allows the selection of files or images, for moving or copying them to a different field — one that can belong to the same page, or a different page entirely.

A screencast of the File Mover module in action, courtesy of module author Robin Sallis.
The UI of the module feels very intuitive, and the feature provided can be really useful for certain use cases, ranging from simply needing to move a file to a different page (and not wanting to go through the hassle of downloading it and uploading it to a new page), or simply when you're migrating content from one field to another. As such, this module is definitely a very useful addition to ProcessWire's admin.
If you'd like to give this module a try, you can clone or download it from the FileMover GitHub repository, or install the module via the built-in modules manager in admin. In case you have any questions or feedback, head down to the File Mover support forum thread. Please note that this module is currently in beta stage, so some extra caution is recommended before installing it on a production website.
Big thanks to Robin for creating this module and sharing it with us!
Site of the week: Casa Douro Guest Houses
Our latest site of the week is that of Casa Douro Guest Houses, a set of properties available for rent at Porto and the Douro Valley in Portugal.
There are a total of five locations, all of which are introduced in plenty of detail on the Casa Douro Guest Houses website, and there's also a guesthouse management service available for property owners interested in renting their apartments.
Whether you're looking to experience Porto's historic charm or a getaway up the Douro Valley, Casa Douro has the perfect place for your stay.
— Casa Douro Guest Houses
Created by SuperTINY agency, the Casa Douro website is a beautifully designed, multi-lingual (English, Portuguese, and Spanish) marketing site with details about available guest houses. There is also an about page with some background information, a page dedicated to the guesthouse management service, and a contact page. Reservations service is a separate website, but you can fill in the initial search form before going there, so the experience feels quite uniform really.
As for behind the scenes details, the front-end of this website was created using the Tailwind utility-first CSS framework. Meanwhile, some of the ProcessWire modules running behind the scenes — based on the showcase forum post for the Casa Douro website by Helder Cervantes of SuperTINY — include Repeater Matrix, WireMailSMTP, SEOMaestro, and RockFrontend.
Thanks to the folks at SuperTINY agency for sharing this project with us, and our congratulations to the client, Casa Douro Guest Houses, for their ProcessWire powered website!
Stay tuned for our next issue
That's it for the 522nd issue of ProcessWire Weekly. We'll be back with more news, updates, and content Saturday, 18th of May. As always, ProcessWire newsletter subscribers will get our updates a few days later.
Thanks for staying with us, once again. Hope you've had a great and productive week, and don't forget to check out the ProcessWire forums for more interesting topics. Until next week, happy hacking with ProcessWire!
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