In the 533rd issue of ProcessWire Weekly we'll check out some newly released third party modules and highlight a new site of the week. Read on!
Welcome to the latest issue of ProcessWire Weekly! Though there are no core updates to report this week, we would like to remind you that there's an ongoing discussion at the ProcessWire support forum about potential future additions and improvements to the core. There have been many valuable contributions to this topic already, but we've always got room for more ideas, so let us know if you've got anything on your mind.
As for other news, module authors have been quite busy this week, and we've got a couple of newly released third party ProcessWire modules to share with you — Slide Captcha by tcnet, and HannaMigrate by Mark Evens. And, as always, we're also going to highlight a new site of the week: an e-commerce website created by dotnetic GmbH for a German company called Fugamo.
Thanks to all of our readers for being here with us again, and as always, any feedback is most welcome – please don't hesitate to drop us a line if there's anything in your mind you'd like to share with us. Enjoy our latest issue and have a great weekend!
New module: Slide Captcha
Slide Captcha is a new third party module created by tcnet. As the name suggests, this module provides a captcha feature for ProcessWire sites — more specifically one where the user is greeted with an image and a slider, and in order to solve the captcha they need to adjust the slider so that a puzzle piece is on correct position on the image.

Slide Captcha is used by applying it to your site's markup. The README for the module covers all the necessary steps, which include a bit of (vanilla) JavaScript injected on an applicable element (typically a submit button or other form element), and a snippet of PHP used to verify the captcha once a form has been submitted.
Additionally there are a few module configuration settings, including the name of the file that the front-end captcha feature sends requests to, and a setting to control the tolerance (in pixels) for considering the captcha properly solved. Again these are all covered in the README, so check it out for more details.
If you'd like to give this module a try, you can install it via the built-in modules manager in admin, or clone or download the module's source code from the CaptchaSlide GitHub repository. If you have questions, head down to the Slide Captcha support forum thread.
Big thanks to tcnet for creating this module and sharing it with us!
New module: HannaMigrate
Another new third party module for this week is one called HannaMigrate. This module was created by Mark Evens as a solution for bulk migrating Hanna Code snippets from one site to another: the module can bulk export all Hanna Code snippets from the database, as well as bulk import them once exported.
As Mark explains in the support forum post introducing this module HannaMigrate was built to work alongside another third party module, ProcessDbMigrate, but should work as a stand-alone tool as well. Using the module requires a snippet of code, which you can also run using Tracy Debugger directly within ProcessWire:
// (on the source site) export Hanna Code snippets:
$migrate = $modules->get('HannaMigrate');
// (on the target site) import Hanna Code snippets:
$migrate = $modules->get('HannaMigrate');
For more details, be sure to check out the HannaMigrate support forum thread. You can install this module by cloning or downloading the module's source code from the HannaMigrate GitHub repository.
Big thanks to Mark Evens for developing this module and sharing it with us!
Site of the week: Fugamo
Our latest site of the week belongs to Fugamo, a German company offering tailor-made school clothing, graduation shirts, graduation sweaters, and various other textile products. They also provide online shops for schools and clubs, and place value on sustainable and fair production.
The Fugamo website was created by dotnetic GmbH. It is an e-commerce type website with authentication for school users baked in, but also contains plenty of information about other services provided by the company. To top things off this site also has quite a splendid design, as well as an easy to use, dynamic product search feature.
As for behind the scenes details, it looks like the front-end of this site was built using the utility-first CSS framework Tailwind. Some of the third party ProcessWire modules working their magic behind the scenes include RockPageBuilder and FrontendForms.
Thanks to Jens Martsch of dotnetic for sharing this project with us, and congratulations to the client, Ingo Schröder & Ingo Szirniks GbR, for their new, ProcessWire powered website!
Stay tuned for our next issue
That's it for the 533rd issue of ProcessWire Weekly. We'll be back with more news, updates, and content Saturday, 3rd of August. As always, ProcessWire newsletter subscribers will get our updates a few days later.
Thanks for staying with us, once again. Hope you've had a great and productive week, and don't forget to check out the ProcessWire forums for more interesting topics. Until next week, happy hacking with ProcessWire!
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