The archive of all Weekly issues, ordered by date of publication

These are the weekly issues we've released so far. A new issue will be added each Saturday, and this list will be automatically updated.

ProcessWire Weekly #277

In the 277th issue of ProcessWire Weekly we'll walk you through ProcessWire 3.0.139, introduce two brand new third party modules, and take a closer look at a beautiful new site of the week. Read on!

ProcessWire Weekly #276

In the 276th issue of ProcessWire Weekly we're going to summarise the latest weekly update from Ryan, introduce a new third module called WireMail Mail Logger, and highlight a new site of the week. Read on!

ProcessWire Weekly #275

In the 275th issue of ProcessWire Weekly we're going to walk you through the new features included in ProcessWire 3.0.138, cover some WebP related stuff, and highlight recent forum posts and online resources. Read on!

ProcessWire Weekly #274

The 274th issue of ProcessWire Weekly introduces three new modules, covers the latest status update from Ryan, and features the newly released website of the Brightline Initiative. Read on!

ProcessWire Weekly #273

In the 273rd issue of ProcessWire Weekly we'll check out ProcessWire 3.0.137, introduce the Uikit3 Minimal Profile, reintroduce AdminBar version 2, and of course check out a brand new site of the week. Read on!

ProcessWire Weekly #272

In the 272nd issue of ProcessWire Weekly we'll cover the latest core updates, introduce third party module called PageimageSrcset, and showcase a brand new site of the week. Read on!

ProcessWire Weekly #271

In the 271st issue of ProcessWire Weekly we're going to introduce two brand new WireMail modules, a new Textformatter module from BitPoet, and a brand new markup module from Chris Thomson. Read on!

ProcessWire Weekly #270

This week in the 270th issue of ProcessWire Weekly we're going to cover the SearchEngine module, feature some recent support forum highlights, and introduce a brand new site of the week. Read on!

ProcessWire Weekly #269

In the 269th issue of ProcessWire Weekly we're going to cover ProcessWire 3.0.135, introduce a bunch of new tutorials and other highlights, and take a closer look at a brand new site of the week. Read on!

ProcessWire Weekly #268

In the 268th issue of ProcessWire Weekly we're going to cover the latest core updates (ProcessWire 3.0.134), take a closer look at Autocomplete Module Class Name, and introduce ProcessWire Composer Installer. Read on!

ProcessWire Weekly #267

In the 267th issue of ProcessWire Weekly we're going to cover the latest changes in the development branch of ProcessWire, introduce a new module called MarkupMenu, and highlight a brand new site of the week. Read on!